
Example from practice

Say goodbye to costly ink ribbon and reduce waste

Using the example of packaging components in a paper-based sustainable package with printing in a vertical packaging machine, we can clearly compare the savings and environmental benefits of using a JetBag printer versus a traditional thermal transfer printer.

Operating parameters:

  • Working speed: 40 pcs/minute.
  • Number of working shifts: 1 shift per day (8 hours), equivalent to 19,200 pcs/shift
  • Measurement duration: 1 month (20 working days), total 160 hours.
  • Marked area: 100 x 130 mm (height x width)

Feature 69


INK RIBBON (thermal transfer printer)
  • Ribbon size: 130 x 600 mm
  • Weight: 700 g
  • Disposal: municipal waste (ink ribbon cannot be recycled)

For the processing of 384,000 packages (40 pcs/min x 8 h x 20 days), 64 ink ribbons will be used and 45 kg of waste will be generated - 570 kg of municipal waste per year, corresponding to approximately 1.08 tonnes of CO2 emissions during disposal.

  • Ink packaging: 1L plastic bottle
  • Weight: 137 g
  • Disposal: recyclable plastic bottle

Only 1 bottle of ink is needed to process the same quantity (384,000 packages). This means 137 g of recyclable plastic waste in one month. The same operation generates only 1.644 kg of recyclable plastic waste per year.